

## 题目描述 Natasha想起来她要给朋友们买火星纪念品。但她马上要回地球了。 众所周知,火星一年$ x_{max} $有个月,一个月有$ y_{max} $天, 一天有$ z_{max} $ 秒。Natasha还知道商店工作的规律。 首先,商店会选择一年中的两个月: $ x_l $ 和 $ x_r $ ( $ 1\le x_l\le x_r\le x_{max} $ ),然后是一个月里的两天: $ y_l $ 和 $ y_r $ ( $ 1\le y_l\le y_r\le y_{max} $ ) ,还有一天里的两秒$ z_l $ 和 $ z_r $ ( $ 1\le z_l\le z_r\le z_{max} $ )。所有满足$ x_l\le x\le x_r $ , $ y_l\le y\le y_r $ and $ z_l\le z\le z_r $的时刻($ x , y , z $分别代表这个时刻的月、日、秒)商店都开放。 不幸的是, Natasha 并不知道 $ x_l,x_r,y_l,y_r,z_l,z_r $具体是多少 。 一个火星人告诉Natasha:“我去了这家商店 $ (n+m) $ 次。其中有 $ n $ 次我去的时候它是开着的 ,另外 $ m $次去的时候它是关闭的”他还描述了每次他去商店的时间:即他去的时候的月、日、秒(无论当时商店开没开)。 Natasha要去 $ k $次商店。给出每次去的时刻,请你根据火星人的话以及商店的开放规律回答当时商店是一定开放,一定关闭,还是不确定开不开放。 ## 输入格式 第一行包括 $ 6 $ 个整数 $ x_{max} $ , $ y_{max} $ , $ z_{max} $ , $ n $ , $ m $ , $ k $ ( $ 1\le x_{max},y_{max},z_{max}\le 10^5 $ , $ 1\le n\le 10^5 $ , $ 0\le m\le 10^5 $ , $ 1\le k\le 10^5 $ )分别表示火星一年有多少个月,一个月有多少天,一天有多少秒,火星人去的时候商店开着的次数,火星人去的时候商店关着的次数和Natasha将要去商店的次数。 接下来 $ n $ 行中的第 $ i $ 行包括三个整数 $ x_i $ , $ y_i $ , $ z_i $ ( $ 1\le x_i\le x_{max} $ , $ 1\le y_i\le y_{max} $ , $ 1\le z_i\le z_{max} $ ) ,分别代表第$ i $ 个商店开着的时刻的月、日、秒(火星人说的)。 接下来 $ m $ 行的第 $ i $ 行包含三个整数 $ x_i $ , $ y_i $ , $ z_i $ ( $ 1\le x_i\le x_{max} $ , $ 1\le y_i\le y_{max} $ , $ 1\le z_i\le z_{max} $ ) 分别代表第$ i $个商店关着的时刻的月、日、秒(火星人说的)。 接下来 $ k $ 行的第$ i $行包含三个整数 $ x_i $ , $ y_i $ , $ z_i $ ( $ 1\le x_i\le x_{max} $ , $ 1\le y_i\le y_{max} $ , $ 1\le z_i\le z_{max} $ ) 分别代表Natasha第 $ i $ 次去商店的时刻的月、日、秒。 ## 输出格式 如果火星人搞错了,给出的信息有矛盾,单独输出一行 "INCORRECT" (不带引号). 否则,第一行输出"CORRECT" (不带引号)。然后输出 $ k $ 行:第 $ i $ 行输出一个答案。如果第 $ i $ 次Natasha去的商店的时候:商店一定是开着的,输出"OPEN" (不带引号);商店是一定是关着的,输出"CLOSED" (不带引号);如果不能根据可用信息推断出来当时商店到底开不开,输出 "UNKNOWN" (不带引号)。


Natasha was already going to fly back to Earth when she remembered that she needs to go to the Martian store to buy Martian souvenirs for her friends. It is known, that the Martian year lasts $ x_{max} $ months, month lasts $ y_{max} $ days, day lasts $ z_{max} $ seconds. Natasha also knows that this store works according to the following schedule: 2 months in a year were selected: $ x_l $ and $ x_r $ ( $ 1\le x_l\le x_r\le x_{max} $ ), 2 days in a month: $ y_l $ and $ y_r $ ( $ 1\le y_l\le y_r\le y_{max} $ ) and 2 seconds in a day: $ z_l $ and $ z_r $ ( $ 1\le z_l\le z_r\le z_{max} $ ). The store works at all such moments (month $ x $ , day $ y $ , second $ z $ ), when simultaneously $ x_l\le x\le x_r $ , $ y_l\le y\le y_r $ and $ z_l\le z\le z_r $ . Unfortunately, Natasha does not know the numbers $ x_l,x_r,y_l,y_r,z_l,z_r $ . One Martian told Natasha: "I went to this store $ (n+m) $ times. $ n $ times of them it was opened, and $ m $ times — closed." He also described his every trip to the store: the month, day, second of the trip and whether the store was open or closed at that moment. Natasha can go to the store $ k $ times. For each of them, determine whether the store at the time of the trip is open, closed, or this information is unknown.



The first line contains $ 6 $ integers $ x_{max} $ , $ y_{max} $ , $ z_{max} $ , $ n $ , $ m $ , $ k $ ( $ 1\le x_{max},y_{max},z_{max}\le 10^5 $ , $ 1\le n\le 10^5 $ , $ 0\le m\le 10^5 $ , $ 1\le k\le 10^5 $ ) — number of months in a year, days in a month, seconds in a day, times when the store (according to a Martian) was opened, when it was closed and Natasha's queries. The $ i $ -th of the next $ n $ lines contains $ 3 $ integers $ x_i $ , $ y_i $ , $ z_i $ ( $ 1\le x_i\le x_{max} $ , $ 1\le y_i\le y_{max} $ , $ 1\le z_i\le z_{max} $ ) — month, day and second of $ i $ -th time, when the store, according to the Martian, was opened. The $ i $ -th of the next $ m $ lines contains $ 3 $ integers $ x_i $ , $ y_i $ , $ z_i $ ( $ 1\le x_i\le x_{max} $ , $ 1\le y_i\le y_{max} $ , $ 1\le z_i\le z_{max} $ ) — month, day and second of $ i $ -th time, when the store, according to the Martian, was closed. The $ i $ -th of the next $ k $ lines contains $ 3 $ integers $ x_i $ , $ y_i $ , $ z_i $ ( $ 1\le x_i\le x_{max} $ , $ 1\le y_i\le y_{max} $ , $ 1\le z_i\le z_{max} $ ) — month, day and second of $ i $ -th Natasha's query.


If the Martian was mistaken and his information about when the store is open and when it is closed is inconsistent, print a single line "INCORRECT" (without quotes). Otherwise, print the first line "CORRECT" (without quotes). Next output $ k $ lines: in $ i $ -th of them, output an answer to $ i $ -th Natasha's query: "OPEN" (without quotes), if the store was opened at the moment of this query, "CLOSED" (without quotes), if it was closed, or "UNKNOWN" (without quotes), if this information can not be determined on the basis of available data.


输入样例 #1

10 10 10 3 1 3
2 6 2
4 2 4
6 4 6
9 9 9
3 3 3
10 10 10
8 8 8

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

10 10 10 1 1 1
2 5 7
2 5 7
8 9 10

输出样例 #2



Consider the first test case. There are $ 10 $ months in a year, $ 10 $ days in a month, and $ 10 $ seconds in a day. The store was opened in $ 3 $ moments: - month $ 2 $ , day $ 6 $ , second $ 2 $ ; - month $ 4 $ , day $ 2 $ , second $ 4 $ ; - month $ 6 $ , day $ 4 $ , second $ 6 $ . The store was closed at the time: month $ 9 $ , day $ 9 $ , second $ 9 $ . Queries: - month $ 3 $ , day $ 3 $ , second $ 3 $ — open ("OPEN") (since the store opens no later than month $ 2 $ , day $ 2 $ , second $ 2 $ and closes no earlier than in month $ 6 $ , day $ 6 $ , second $ 6 $ ); - month $ 10 $ , day $ 10 $ , second $ 10 $ — closed ("CLOSED") (since it is closed even in the month $ 9 $ , day $ 9 $ , second $ 9 $ ); - month $ 8 $ , day $ 8 $ , second $ 8 $ — unknown ("UNKNOWN") (because the schedule in which the store is open at this moment exists, and the schedule in which the store is closed at this moment exists as well). In the second test case, the store was closed and opened at the same time — contradiction ("INCORRECT").