Bmail Computer Network




Once upon a time there was only one router in the well-known company Bmail. Years went by and over time new routers were purchased. Every time they bought a new router, they connected it to one of the routers bought before it. You are given the values $ p_i $ — the index of the router to which the $ i $ -th router was connected after being purchased ( $ p_i < i $ ). There are $ n $ routers in Boogle in total now. Print the sequence of routers on the path from the first to the $ n $ -th router.



The first line contains integer number $ n $ ( $ 2 \le n \le 200000 $ ) — the number of the routers. The following line contains $ n-1 $ integers $ p_2, p_3, \dots, p_n $ ( $ 1 \le p_i < i $ ), where $ p_i $ is equal to index of the router to which the $ i $ -th was connected after purchase.


Print the path from the $ 1 $ -st to the $ n $ -th router. It starts with $ 1 $ and ends with $ n $ . All the elements in the path should be distinct.


输入样例 #1

1 1 2 2 3 2 5

输出样例 #1

1 2 5 8 

输入样例 #2

1 2 3 4 5

输出样例 #2

1 2 3 4 5 6 

输入样例 #3

1 1 2 3 4 3

输出样例 #3

1 3 7