Soft Drinking


有 n 个朋友买了 k 瓶饮料,每瓶饮料 l 毫升。他们还买了 c 个柠檬,并将每个柠檬切成了 d 片。他们还找 到了 p 克盐。制作一个吐司需要 nl 毫升的饮料,一片柠檬和 np 克的盐。这 n 个朋友每个人制作的吐司数相 等。求一个朋友最多能做的吐司数量。


This winter is so cold in Nvodsk! A group of $ n $ friends decided to buy $ k $ bottles of a soft drink called "Take-It-Light" to warm up a bit. Each bottle has $ l $ milliliters of the drink. Also they bought $ c $ limes and cut each of them into $ d $ slices. After that they found $ p $ grams of salt. To make a toast, each friend needs $ nl $ milliliters of the drink, a slice of lime and $ np $ grams of salt. The friends want to make as many toasts as they can, provided they all drink the same amount. How many toasts can each friend make?



The first and only line contains positive integers $ n $ , $ k $ , $ l $ , $ c $ , $ d $ , $ p $ , $ nl $ , $ np $ , not exceeding $ 1000 $ and no less than $ 1 $ . The numbers are separated by exactly one space.


Print a single integer — the number of toasts each friend can make.


输入样例 #1

3 4 5 10 8 100 3 1

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

5 100 10 1 19 90 4 3

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

10 1000 1000 25 23 1 50 1

输出样例 #3



A comment to the first sample: Overall the friends have $ 4*5=20 $ milliliters of the drink, it is enough to make $ 20/3=6 $ toasts. The limes are enough for $ 10*8=80 $ toasts and the salt is enough for $ 100/1=100 $ toasts. However, there are 3 friends in the group, so the answer is $ min(6,80,100)/3=2 $ .