Alyona and copybooks


## 题目描述 Alyona 在学校学习 4 门课程,她要去书店买笔记本。她想让 4 门课程的笔记本数量相同。 Alyona 一开始时有 $n$ 个笔记本。书店有 $3$ 种笔记本购买方式: 1. 买一个笔记本,花费 $a$ 卢布; 2. 买两个笔记本,花费 $b$ 卢布; 3. 买三个笔记本,花费 $c$ 卢布。 Alyona 可以购买任意次笔记本。问最少要花多少卢布? ## 输入格式 一行,$n$,$a$,$b$,$c$($1\le n,a,b,c\le 10^9$)。 ## 输出格式 输出 Alyona 最少需要花多少卢布以保证符合要求。


Little girl Alyona is in a shop to buy some copybooks for school. She study four subjects so she wants to have equal number of copybooks for each of the subjects. There are three types of copybook's packs in the shop: it is possible to buy one copybook for $ a $ rubles, a pack of two copybooks for $ b $ rubles, and a pack of three copybooks for $ c $ rubles. Alyona already has $ n $ copybooks. What is the minimum amount of rubles she should pay to buy such number of copybooks $ k $ that $ n+k $ is divisible by $ 4 $ ? There are infinitely many packs of any type in the shop. Alyona can buy packs of different type in the same purchase.



The only line contains $ 4 $ integers $ n $ , $ a $ , $ b $ , $ c $ ( $ 1<=n,a,b,c<=10^{9} $ ).


Print the minimum amount of rubles she should pay to buy such number of copybooks $ k $ that $ n+k $ is divisible by $ 4 $ .


输入样例 #1

1 1 3 4

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

6 2 1 1

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

4 4 4 4

输出样例 #3


输入样例 #4

999999999 1000000000 1000000000 1000000000

输出样例 #4



In the first example Alyona can buy $ 3 $ packs of $ 1 $ copybook for $ 3a=3 $ rubles in total. After that she will have $ 4 $ copybooks which she can split between the subjects equally. In the second example Alyuna can buy a pack of $ 2 $ copybooks for $ b=1 $ ruble. She will have $ 8 $ copybooks in total. In the third example Alyona can split the copybooks she already has between the $ 4 $ subject equally, so she doesn't need to buy anything. In the fourth example Alyona should buy one pack of one copybook.