Dasha and Stairs


## 题目描述 老虎Dasha在她前往编程学校的路上遇到了第一个挑战 — 一个巨大的楼梯! 这些台阶被从一到无穷编号。据我们所知,老虎喜欢所有有斑纹的东西,那可能就像是他们身上的颜色。所以在她的路上的一些时间她计算了两个值 — 台阶编号的奇偶数的数量。 你需要检查一下是否存在一段从第$l$ 个台阶到第$r$ 个台阶($1\leq l\leq r$ ),Dasha认为其(奇偶)值是合适的。 ### 输入格式: 在唯一的一行你被给了两个整数$a$ ,$b$ ($0\leq a,b\leq 100$ ) — 对应奇偶台阶数。 ### 输出格式: 仅需输出一行"YES",如果存在这样的一段台阶,否则输出"NO"。 ### 说明 在第一个样例中一段合适的区间为$1$ 到$5$ 。这段区间包含了两个偶数台阶 — $2$ 和$4$ ,和三个奇数:$1$ ,$3$ 和$5$ 。 (注:由于题面或我的问题,这样翻译其实题意并不明,附上题目大意) #### 题目大意 给你两个数,分别为偶数的数量$a$ 和奇数的数量$b$ ,问是否存在一段连续区间$[l,r]$ 其奇偶数的数目为$a$ 和$b$ (就是所谓的合适的)。 感谢@Khassar 提供的翻译


On her way to programming school tiger Dasha faced her first test — a huge staircase! ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/vjudge_pic/CF761A/98b31d399201e344c84169d0a36ae3795c4ebe70.png)The steps were numbered from one to infinity. As we know, tigers are very fond of all striped things, it is possible that it has something to do with their color. So on some interval of her way she calculated two values — the number of steps with even and odd numbers. You need to check whether there is an interval of steps from the $ l $ -th to the $ r $ -th $ (1<=l<=r) $ , for which values that Dasha has found are correct.



In the only line you are given two integers $ a $ , $ b $ $ (0<=a,b<=100) $ — the number of even and odd steps, accordingly.


In the only line print "YES", if the interval of steps described above exists, and "NO" otherwise.


输入样例 #1

2 3

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 1

输出样例 #2



In the first example one of suitable intervals is from $ 1 $ to $ 5 $ . The interval contains two even steps — $ 2 $ and $ 4 $ , and three odd: $ 1 $ , $ 3 $ and $ 5 $ .