[USACO10OCT] Making Money G


FJ又经营起了古董生意,买卖一些像奶牛圣诞树上的装饰之类的小玩意。他知道他会将他能存储的N(1<=N<=100)件不同的奶牛古董每件都卖出。 而且如果他的钱足够多他可以买他想要的任意数量的古董(即他可以购买的古董数量没有限制)。他只有M(1<=M<=100,000)元钱来买古董,但他想要在他经商的第一年年末最大化他的利润(这有点难以解释)。 第i种古董采购需要花费Ci(1<=Ci<=100,000)元钱,每卖掉一件可以获得Ri(1<=Ri<=100,000)元钱(每卖一件的利润为Ri-Ci)。FJ可以以任意顺序卖出他的货物。他并不需要花光他所有的钱来购买古董。 FJ在他经商的第一年年末能得到的最大总利润(利润=初始钱数-总花费+总收入)是多少呢?输入数据保证这个数字不会超过1,000,000,000. 假设FJ只有3种古董而且开始时有M=17元钱。下面是三种古董的花费和收入。 古董 花费 收入 1 2 4 2 5 6 3 3 7 在这种情况下,FJ应该花15元购买5个3号古董,再花2元购买1个1号古董,总共17元。他的利润是5\*(7-3)+1\*(4-2)=5\*4+1\*2=22元。他不能获得比这更多的利润了。 提示:第二个样例很有挑战性,但我们的答案是正确的。 输入格式: 第1行:两个以空格分开的整数:N和M 第2行到第N+1行:第i+1行包括两个以空格分开的整数:Ci和Ri 输出格式 第1行:FJ能获得的最大利润


FJ has gone into the curio business, buying and selling knickknacks like cow Christmas tree ornaments. He knows he will sell every single curio he can stock from a catalog of N (1 <= N <= 100) different cow curios, and he can buy as many of each kind of curio as his heart desires. He has only M (1 <= M <= 100,000) money to invest but wants to maximize his profit (which has a slightly unusual definition) at the end of his first year in business. Curio type i costs C\_i (1 <= C\_i <= 100,000) money to purchase and yields R\_i (1 <= R\_i <= 100,000) revenue for each curio sold (a profit of R\_i-C\_i). FJ can mix and match the curios he sells in any way he wishes. He need not spend all his money when purchasing curios. What is the greatest amount of total profit (profit = initial\_cash - all\_costs + all\_sales) FJ can have at the end of his first year? This number is guaranteed to be less than 1,000,000,000. Consider the situation when FJ has just 3 kinds of curios and starts with M=17. Below are the cost and revenue numbers for each curio: Curio Cost Revenue # C\_i R\_i 1 2 4 2 5 6 3 3 7 In this case, FJ should purchase 5 curios of type 3 for 15 money and 1 more curio of type 1 for 2 money, a total of 17 money. His profit will be 5 \* (7-3) + 1 \* (4-2) = 5\*4 + 1\*2 = 22 money. He can do no better than this given the cost and revenue structure. NOTE: The second test case is challenging -- but our answer is correct.



\* Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and M \* Lines 2..N+1: Line i+1 contains two space-separated integers: C\_i and R\_i


\* Line 1: The maximum profit FJ can generate given the costs and revenues


输入样例 #1

3 17 
2 4 
5 6 
3 7 

输出样例 #1