[USACO16OPEN] Bull in a China Shop P


Farmer John has decided his home needs more decoration. Visiting the local china shop, he finds a delicate glass cow figurine that he decides to purchase, knowing that it will fit perfectly on the mantel above his fireplace. The shape of the cow figurine is described by an $N \times M$ grid of haracters like the one below ($3 \leq N, M \leq 500$), where lowercase letter characters are each part of the figurine (indicating different colors) and '.' characters are not. ```cpp ............... ............... x..x........... xxxx........... xxxxaaaaaaa... .xx.aaaaaaaaa.. ....aaaaaaa.aa. ....ll...ll.... ....vv...vv.... ............... ``` Unfortunately, right before FJ can make his purchase, a bull runs through the shop and breaks not only FJ's figurine, but many of the other glass objects on the shelves as well! FJ's figurine breaks into 3 pieces, which quickly becomelost among $K$ total pieces lying on the ground ($4 \leq K \leq 100$). Each ofthe $K$ pieces is described by a grid of characters, just like the originalfigurine. Please help FJ determine how many sets of 3 pieces (out of the $K$ on the floor)could be glued back together to mend his broken figurine. The pieces on the ground might have been flipped vertically or horizontally, orrotated by some multiple of 90 degrees. Therefore, given the original grid aswell as $K$ grids describing pieces, you want to find sets of 3 pieces that canbe joined together to form the original picture, allowing the pieces to betranslated, flipped, or rotated multiples of 90 degrees. When thensuperimposed, the 3 pieces should exactly form the original picture, with eachcolored square in the original picture represented in exactly one of the pieces. FJ想买点饰品摆在家里,逛了陶瓷商店后,看上了一个玻璃牛摆件,“放在俺家的壁炉架上太合适了” 牛摆件的形状用N\*M的字符矩阵来描述,.代表空区域,其他不同的小写字母代表不同的颜色。 不幸的是,就在FJ决定购买的时候,一头公牛冲过商店(出题人是西班牙的吗),打碎了好多商品,FJ的雕像碎成了3块,地板(4<=k<=100)上散落了一地碎片 ,碎片也用一个矩阵描述,碎片的方向可能垂直、水平,或者90倍数的旋转。 请从这些碎片中找出,有多少组(i,j,k)可以组成原来的牛。 例如结样例输出中的3,可以是(0,1,2)(0,2,4)(1,3,4) 组



The first line contains a single integer $K$. Following that will be $K + 1$ piece descriptions. The first description will describe the original glass cow,the following $K$ descriptions will be of the broken pieces. Each description begins with a line containing two integers $R$ and $C$ ($1 \le R, C \le 100$). The following $R$ lines contain $C$ lowercase alphabet characters describing the color of each cell. Each piece will be horizontally/vertically connected and have at least one non-empty cell.


Output the number of triples $i, j, k$ ($i < j < k$) such that pieces $i$, $j$, and $k$ can be arranged to form the original glass cow.


输入样例 #1

5 5
3 5
5 2
1 2
1 5
2 5

输出样例 #1



The three solutions use pieces $(0, 1, 2)$, $(0, 2, 4)$, $(1, 3, 4)$. Note that this problem has a time limit of 6 seconds per test case (and twice that for Java and Python submissions). 感谢@wflengxuenong提供翻译