[CERC2015] ASCII Addition


# 题目背景 现在,如果你只是用手机的相机对着它们,智能手机应用可以即时翻译文本,甚至解决数学问题。您的工作是实现一个更简单的功能,回忆过去——添加两个作为ASCII艺术的整数。 # 题目描述 ASCII艺术是一个字符矩阵,正好是7行高,每个字符都是点或小写字母X。 给出了A +B形式的表达式,其中A和B都是正整数。通过将所有的表达式字符(A和B的数字以及符号)作为7 5个矩阵,将这些矩阵转换成ASCII艺术,并将矩阵与单个字符的单个列串联在连续的各个矩阵之间。对应于数字和+符号的精确矩阵如下: ![](https://cdn.luogu.org/upload/pic/16222.png) 给定一个ASCII艺术来表达A+B的形式,找到加法的结果并用ASCII艺术形式写出。 # 输入输出格式 #### 输入格式: 输入由7行组成,包含用于A+B形式的表达式的ASCII技术,其中A和B都是由至多9个十进制数字组成的正整数,并且没有前导零。 #### 输出格式: 输出包含ASCII艺术的7行,对应于加法的结果,没有前导零。 感谢@剑圣夜雨声烦 提供的翻译


Nowadays, there are smartphone applications that instantly translate text and even solve math problems if you just point your phone’s camera at them. Your job is to implement a much simpler functionality reminiscent of the past – add two integers written down as ASCII art.


An ASCII art is a matrix of characters, exactly 7 rows high, with each individual character either a dot or the lowercase letter x. An expression of the form a + b is given, where both a and b are positive integers. The expression is converted into ASCII art by writing all the expression characters (the digits of a and b as well as the + sign) as 7 5 matrices, and concatenating the matrices together with a single column of dot characters between consecutive individual matrices. The exact matrices corresponding to the digits and the + sign are as follows: ![](https://cdn.luogu.com.cn/upload/pic/16222.png ) Given an ASCII art for an expression of the form a + b, find the result of the addition and write it out in the ASCII art form.



Input consists of exactly 7 lines and contains the ASCII art for an expression of the form a + b, where both a and b are positive integers consisting of at most 9 decimal digits and written without leading zeros.


Output 7 lines containing ASCII art corresponding to the result of the addition, without leading zeros.


输入样例 #1


输出样例 #1



样例:1234567+890=1235457 Central Europe Regional Contest 2015 Problem A