

运动会上有 $n$ 个人和 $k$ 种项目,一个人 $i$ 对于项目 $k$ 有能力值 $s_{i,k}$。比赛流程如下: 1. 随机挑选两名没被淘汰的运动员,并随机指定一项比赛项目,在该项目上能力值小的运动员会被淘汰。 2. 如果只剩一个运动员,则这个运动员成为冠军,否则重复过程一。 现在有 $n$ 组询问,对于询问 $i$ 你需要输出如果赛场上只有前 $i$ 个运动员,最终有几个人可能成为冠军。询问之间相互独立。


Recently a tournament in $ k $ kinds of sports has begun in Berland. Vasya wants to make money on the bets. The scheme of the tournament is very mysterious and not fully disclosed. Competitions are held back to back, each of them involves two sportsmen who have not left the tournament yet. Each match can be held in any of the $ k $ kinds of sport. Loser leaves the tournament. The last remaining sportsman becomes the winner. Apart of this, the scheme can be arbitrary, it is not disclosed in advance. Vasya knows powers of sportsmen in each kind of sport. He believes that the sportsmen with higher power always wins. The tournament is held every year, and each year one new participant joins it. In the first tournament, only one sportsman has participated, in the second there were two sportsmen, and so on. Vasya has been watching the tournament for the last $ n $ years. Help him to find the number of possible winners for each of the $ n $ tournaments.



The first line contains two integers $ n $ and $ k $ ( $ 1<=n<=5·10^{4} $ , $ 1<=k<=10 $ ) — the number of tournaments and the number of kinds of sport, respectively. Each of the next $ n $ lines contains $ k $ integers $ s_{i1},s_{i2},...,s_{ik} $ ( $ 1<=s_{ij}<=10^{9} $ ), where $ s_{ij} $ is the power of the $ i $ -th sportsman in the $ j $ -th kind of sport. The sportsman with higher powers always wins. It's guaranteed that for any kind of sport all of these powers are distinct.


For each of the $ n $ tournaments output the number of contenders who can win.


输入样例 #1

3 2
1 5
5 1
10 10

输出样例 #1


输入样例 #2

3 2
2 2
3 3
1 10

输出样例 #2


输入样例 #3

3 2
2 3
1 1
3 2

输出样例 #3



In the first sample: In the first tournament there is only one sportsman, and he is the winner. In the second tournament, there are two sportsmen, and everyone can defeat another, depending on kind of sports. In the third tournament, the third sportsman in the strongest in both kinds of sports, so he is the winner regardless of the scheme.