[CERC2015] Kernel Knights


骑术是一项中世纪的比赛,人们骑在马背上,在高速骑行时,试图用木制长矛互相攻击。总共有2n个骑士参加了一个激战锦标赛——来自两个主要竞争对手的N个骑士。到达后,每一个骑士都从另一个房间挑战一个骑士进行决斗。 内核被定义为骑士的一些子集,具有以下两个属性: •S中没有骑士受到S中另一个骑士的挑战。 每一个不在S中的骑士都会受到一些S中的骑士的挑战。 考虑到所面临的一系列挑战,确定一个内核。可以保证内核始终存在。


Jousting is a medieval contest that involves people on horseback trying to strike each other with wooden lances while riding at high speed. A total of 2n knights have entered a jousting tournament – n knights from each of the two great rival houses. Upon arrival, each knight has challenged a single knight from the other house to a duel. A kernel is defined as some subset S of knights with the following two properties: • No knight in S was challenged by another knight in S. • Every knight not in S was challenged by some knight in S. Given the set of the challenges issued, find one kernel. It is guaranteed that a kernel always exists.



The first line contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100000) – the number of knights of each house. The knights from the first house are denoted with integers 1 through n, knights from the second house with integers n+1 through 2n. The following line contains integers $f_1$, $f_2$,..., $f_n$ – the k-th integer fk is the index of the knight challenged by knight k $(n+1≤ f_k ≤2n)$. The following line contains integers $s_1$,$s_2$,...,$s_n$ – the k-th integer sk is the index of the knight challenged by knight n+k $(1≤s_k ≤n)$.


Output the indices of the knights in the kernel on a single line. If there is more than one solution, you may output any one. SPJ的格式校验较为严格,请在每个数字后面都输出一个空格,且在最后一个空格输出后请不要输出任何符号。


输入样例 #1

5 6 7 7 
1 3 2 3

输出样例 #1

1 2 4 8


Central Europe Regional Contest 2015 Problem K