RESTACK - Restacking haybales 2012


**【题目来源】** Usaco-2012-Mar **【题目描述】** FJ买了一些干草堆,他想把这些干草堆分成N堆(1<=N<=100,000)摆成一圈,其中第i堆有B_i数量的干草。不幸的是,负责运货的司机由于没有听清FJ的要求,只记住分成N堆摆成一圈这个要求,而每一堆的数量却是A_i(1<=i<=N)。当然A_i的总和肯定等于B_i的总和。 FJ可以通过移动干草来达到要求,即使得A_i=B_i,已知把一个干草移动x步需要消耗x数量的体力,相邻两个干草堆之间的步数为1。 请帮助FJ计算最少需要消耗多少体力才能完成任务。 **【输入】** 第一行输入一个整数N。 接下来N行,每行两个整数,其中第i+1行描述A_i和B_i(1<=A_i,B_i<=1000)。 **【输出】** 输出一个数表示最少需要消耗的体力。 **【样例说明】** 从第1堆中移动6个干草到第4堆,从第3堆中移动1个干草到第2堆,从第3堆中移动6个干草到第4堆中。


Farmer John has just ordered a large number of bales of hay. He would like to organize these into N piles (1 <= N <= 100,000) arranged in a circle, where pile i contains B\_i bales of hay. Unfortunately, the truck driver delivering the hay was not listening carefully when Farmer John provided this information, and only remembered to leave the hay in N piles arranged in a circle. After delivery, Farmer John notes that pile i contains A\_i bales of hay. Of course, the A\_i's and the B\_i's have the same sum. Farmer John would like to move the bales of hay from their current configuration (described by the A\_i's) into his desired target configuration (described by the B\_i's). It takes him x units of work to move one hay bale from one pile to a pile that is x steps away around the circle. Please help him compute the minimum amount of work he will need to spend.



\* Line 1: The single integer N. \* Lines 2..1+N: Line i+1 contains the two integers A\_i and B\_i (1 <= A\_i, B\_i <= 1000). Example: 4 7 1 3 4 9 2 1 13


