SORTMUCH - How many can you sort?


## 题意简述: 你发现了一种排序算法,可以在n log3 n时间内对n个整数排序。 现在要你求出在给定时间内最多排序多少整数: ## 输入格式 第一行一个整数t,表示数据组数 接下来t行,每行都是一个整数,为给定的时间 ## 输出格式 对于从第二行起每一行输入,都应该有一行输出,表示在该行给定的时间内,最多能排序多少整数


**Problem Statement :** You have invented a new sorting algorithm which can sort n integers in exactly n log3 n time. (which is faster than almost every sorting algorithm till date). You have proved the correctness of your algorithm to your professor. The professor now asks you what is the maximum number of integers that you can sort in a given time T. **Note :** log3 = (log to the base 3) Proper usage of type casting is required to solve this problem. For testing purposes you can use this [high precision calculator]( **Input :** The first line consists of an integer t. For each test case, you are given an integer T, the time to sort the integers. **Output :** For each test case, print the maximum number of integers that you can sort in T time. **Input Constraints :** 1 <= t <= 10^5 3 <= T <= 10^10 **Time limit :** 1 second **Example :** **Sample Input :** 4 3 10 10000000000 4374 **Sample Output :** 3 6 546076908 729




