SELTEAM - Selecting Teams


有$n$个球员,其中有至多$k$个选手将被选出以组成一支球队。球队中一部分球员会被选出以组成一支出场阵容,而该阵容中的一名球员将会被指定为队长。 给出$n,k$,求出有多少种可能的选择球员的方案。两种方案不同当且仅当满足以下条件: - 组成球队的球员不同; - 出场阵容里的球员的数量不同; - 出场阵容里的球员不同; - 选择的队长不同。 例如对于$n=2,k=2$时,可能的选择方案有: 1. 球队:$\{1\}$,出场阵容:$\{1\}$,队长:$1$ 1. 球队:$\{2\}$,出场阵容:$\{2\}$,队长:$2$ 1. 球队:$\{1,2\}$,出场阵容:$\{1\}$,队长:$1$ 1. 球队:$\{1,2\}$,出场阵容:$\{2\}$,队长:$2$ 1. 球队:$\{1,2\}$,出场阵容:$\{1,2\}$,队长:$1$ 1. 球队人员:$\{1,2\}$, 出场阵容:$\{1,2\}$,队长:$2$


There are n players out of which atmost k players are chosen to form the team squad. Out of those players, some subset of them are selected to form a team, and a player of the selected team is appointed as the captain of the team. Given n and k, determine how many possible configurations exist. Two configurations differ if either the players in the team squad differ, or if the number of players in the team differ, or the players in the team differ, or if the captain differs. For example,the possible configurations for n = 2 and k = 2 are : 1\) Team squad : {1}, Team : {1}, Captain : 1 2\) Team squad : {2}, Team : {2}, Captain : 2 3\) Team squad : {1,2}, Team : {1}, Captain : 1 4\) Team squad : {1,2}, Team : {2}, Captain : 2 5\) Team squad : {1,2}, Team : {1,2}, Captain : 1 6\) Team squad : {1,2}, Team : {1,2}, Captain : 2 **Input** The first line contains T the number of test cases. Each of the next T lines contain 2 integers : n,k **Output** Output T lines, one for each test case, containing the required total number of configurations. Since the answers can get very big, output the answer modulo 8388608. **Example** Sample Input : 3 2 2 7 1 5 3 Sample Output : 6 7 165 **Constraints** 1 <= T <= 10000 1 <= k <= n <= 100000




