QCJ1 - Mountain Walking


## 题目描述 在这道题中你的任务是去操控一个机器人勘探一座山。 这座山用一个2D平面描述,由四种字符构成 ``` '/':Up,向上 '_':Walk,前进 '\':Down,向下 ' ':空格,啥都不表示 ``` 机器人从地图的左下角开始走,在右下角结束。(起点和终点位于同一行上。) 输出分为两个部分。 第一部分:你需要输出机器人行走的步数(向上,前进,向下都算为1步) 第二部分:走完路程所采取的步骤类型及步数。 例如这样一座山: ``` _ / \/\ / \ / \ ``` 机器人从左下角开始,经过了这样的历程:向上三步,前进一步,向下一步,向上一步,向下三步。之后结束。总路程为9。 ## 输入格式 第一行是一个正整数N(N<20)。 第二行是空行。 接着N行描述这座山,每行只可能由`' '`,`'/'`,`'\'`,`'_'`四种字符组成,每行至少会有一个非空格的字符。每行的长度不超过200,且末尾不会有多余空格。 ## 输出格式 第一行输出`Total Walk Distance = xx`。 接下来输出多行,每行必须是`Up xx steps`,`Walk xx steps`,`Down xx steps`中的一种(其中xx是一个正整数。) ## 样例 ``` Input#1: 3 /\ / \ / \ Output#1: Total Walk Distance = 6 Up 3 steps Down 3 steps ``` ``` Input#2: 2 _____ ___ / \/ \ Output#2: Total Walk Distance = 12 Up 1 steps Walk 5 steps Down 1 steps Up 1 steps Walk 3 steps Down 1 steps ``` ``` Input#3: 5 _ /\__/ \ / \ / \/\_ / \ Output#3: Total Walk Distance = 16 Up 4 steps Down 1 steps Walk 2 steps Up 1 steps Walk 1 steps Down 3 steps Up 1 steps Down 1 steps Walk 1 steps Down 1 steps ```


In this problem your task is to program a robot that will output some data about a terrain after traversing it. Input will be in the form a 2D picture containing only 4 types of characters :- ` '/' : Forward slash, indicating ascent '\' : Backward slash, indicating descent '_' : Underscore, denoting horizontal plane`Additionally there will be only SPACE (Ascii value = 32) charecters. ( Refer the below figure). The robot starts its journey at bottom left corner of the terrain and after traversing stops at the bottom right corner. Also note that the robot will always start and end at the SAME LEVEL. Given the picture as input you will have to output 2 things. The "Total Walk Distance" i.e, the total length of the path and the type of steps taken to complete the Journey. For the sake of simplification we will assume that each charecter('/' , '\\' & '\_') has length = 1. Now Consider the following example: ``` _ / \/\ / \ / \ ``` The robot starts at the bottom left corner and takes the following path: ` Ascends 3 steps Moves forward by 1 step Descends 1 step Ascends 1 step Descends 3 steps`and robot ends it journey at bottom right corner (At the same level). The Total Walk Distance = 9.



First line of input will be an integer N (N<20). The next line will be an empty. Then exactly N lines follow describing the terrain. You can assume the following for the input (terrain). ` Input will contain only four types of characters (" ","_","/","\"). The terrain will start and end at the same level. Each line is guarenteed to have atleast one non white space charecter. Maximum width of any line wont be larger than 200. There will be no trailing white spaces.`


First line of output should be the Total Walk Distance followed by the description the the the terrain. Each line must be ONE of the following ` Up xx steps Down xx steps Walk xx steps`Where xx is an integer. Refer Examples for exact specification.


输入样例 #1


 /  \
/    \

输出样例 #1

Total Walk Distance = 6
Up 3 steps
Down 3 steps